7 Social Media Tips for Small Business Owners

Social media is complicated. There are new trends to keep up with, new platforms to learn, and there are so many different ways to engage with your customers on those accounts. Whether you’re a social media newbie or veteran, here are some standard tips for small business owners to follow.

1) Identify Your Audiences

The first step in developing any campaign for a product or service is…

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Expect the Unexpected

Even though we all deal with craziness when we must, most of the time we easily settle into our current environment, whatever it may be. In their excellent book This Time It’s Different, authors Reinhart and Rogoff explain how we fall into the trap of thinking that our current situation is different from similar situations in the past which means we failed to learn the lessons of history. As Mark Twain said, “History doesn’t repeat itself, but it rhymes.”

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Leadership: Doing It All Consistently

Have you ever seen anyone who works out perfectly for one week of the month, and then fall off for a few weeks, get in the best shape of their life?  Can you eat great a few days and then gorge yourself and stay feeling great?

Can you build excellence into anything by occasionally killing yourself to do it well?…

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5 Ways God Accomplishes Goals (And How You Can Do Likewise)

Do you ever find yourself submitting to the tyranny of the urgent, unscheduled, and unimportant tasks in your business? For example, do you sometimes allow your e-mail inbox to be the primary dictator of your schedule for the day?

Not only did God create time, He has shown us the best ways to manage it and get the right things done.

As observed through the method in which God created the universe (Gen. 1-2), let’s explore five strategies to set and accomplish goals God’s way.

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